Every time you use a website, it generates 20 milligrams of carbon dioxide. Now, with approximatelly 3.5 billion Internet users around the world, you can imagine how damaging the amount of carbon dioxide is being released by all of us.
Experts have said that if the energy consumption by web hosting service providers goes on like this, the pollution thus caused can surpass the pollution caused by the worldwide airline industry by the year 2020.
So, a new hosting technology is introduced to reduce the carbon footprint. Green or eco-friendly web hosting is an excellent way to add green credentials to the service provided by a company. In this case, a provider will use energy efficient technologies and renewable energy devices.
Many leading companies have already joined this “green movement” to contribute to overall environmental safety. And Natcoweb Corp isn't an exception. By nowadays green hosting has become a trend of the year, and the adoption of the trend will continue.
Our Data Center (Digital Reality, located at 100 Delawanna Avenue in Clifton, NJ.) always supports and implements world green innovations. It will be a good choice for enterprise success in terms of sustainability, meeting the power demands and using renewable energy.