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Server Administration Services
Level 1

Server Analysis
Server Analysis
- We'll provide baseline information on the state of the OS
- Obsolete components and potential vulnerabilities tracking
- A plan of updates and further support strategy.
fee of $20.00
fee of $20.00

Server Analysis
Server Analysis
- Basic server analysis
- Collecting stats on key indicators in system resources utilization
- "Bottleneck" discovery
- The strategy of system optimization (on both hardware and software levels).
Basic or Advanced server analysis is
the initial stage for any of the following:
the initial stage for any of the following:

Level 2

Server Issues
Server Issues
- Research of the causes of the issue
- Searching for the solution and resolving the issues
- Providing a report on the work performed: - diagnostics
- measures taken to troubleshoot the issue
- preventive measures taken to avoid the issue in the future
fee of $20.00
fee of $20.00

Server Setup
Free for Natcoweb Hosting Clients
Server Setup
Free for Natcoweb Hosting Clients
- Pre-installation of the server software using our standardized template for LAMP
- For non-standard requests, the cost of preparing the environment is charged at the rate of $ 40 / hour.
Level 3
Server Administration Packages
one server
one server

Starter Plan
- Monitoring of basic services availability
- Sending notifications to a client when an alert is activated
- 1 hour of server administration
- The cost of extra time : $40.00/ hour
- Maximum response time : 30 minutes
one server
one server

Basic Plan
- Monitoring of basic services availability
- Taking measures to recover services availability in emergency situations, sending notifications to a client
- 2 hours of server administration
- The cost of extra time: $40.00/ hour
- Maximum response time: 30 minutes
one server
one server

Advanced Plan
- Monitoring of basic services availability
- Sending notifications to a client when an alert is activated
- 3 hours of server administration
- The cost of extra time : $40.00/ hour
- Maximum response time : 30 minutes
one server
one server

Professional Plan
- Tracking relevance of OS components, regular application updates
- Advanced system monitoring, taking preventive measures if the alert is activated
- Monitoring availability of basic services
- Taking measures to recover services availability in emergency situations, sending notifications to a client
- 5 hours of server administration
- The cost of extra time : $40.00/ hour
- Maximum response time : 10 minutes